Pastoral Prayer after Easter

Here’s a prayer of thanksgiving and confession for the Sunday after Easter. It is inspired by the suggested scripture readings for Easter 2, Year B in the Revised Common Lectionary. It was written by Rev. David McNeish and posted on the Church of Scotland’s Weekly Worship website.

Prayer of Thanksgiving and Confession

Almighty God,
the world reverberates with Your praise,
resonating with Your love,
and with the wonder of Your resurrection.

Death could not hold You,
and in Your life is our life.
Decay is not the final word,
for You are the everlasting word,
the eternal source of all goodness and all kindness,
all mercy and all love.

Thank You that You sing over us this morning,
quietening us with Your love,
enlivening us with Your grace,
encouraging us with Your tender care.

Remind us again to be grateful
for all You are and all You have done,
and for all You are doing through us and through others
to bring Your kingdom closer.

Yet You know that sometimes we drown out Your song.
We sing a different tune, of discord and division.
We don’t want to hear of Your harmony or Your help
and turn down Your accompaniment in our lives.

Forgive us God,
for the ways in which we hurt and harm those around us,
the ways in which we hurt and harm ourselves, in word and deed,
and damage the life of Your world.
Forgive us too for the ways in which we have failed to say and to do
those things that would have brought life to ourselves and to others.

Cleanse us and restore us;
refresh us and inspire us
that we would realize again
our need of each other and of You,

that we might be Your community of the resurrection,
abundant in Your grace and power
to tell of Your wonder and sing of Your care. Amen. 

~ written by Rev. David McNeish, Minister of Milestone Church, West Mainland of Orkney. It was posted on the Church of Scotland’s Weekly Worship website.