Opening Prayer: Living Water

Here’s an opening prayer, inspired by the suggested RCL scripture readings for the third Sunday in Lent, Year A. It was written by Rev. Karla and posted on RevGalBlogPals (see link below).

Opening Prayer

(inspired by Exodus 17:1-7, Psalm 95, John 4:5-42)

Holy Watering One,
Fount of Every Blessing,
We come to you this morning,
Opening our parched places to receive
the springs of living water
You offer to us.

Most of the time,
most of us don’t even know we are thirsty.
We don’t know the deep dehydration
that scours our bones and parches our hearts.

Sometimes, when our thirst pangs emerge,
We draw from the enticing wells
of the world’s offering of power and profit,
which leave us even more empty.

Still us, God,
so we might listen to You speaking to us,
knowing us, seeing us, loving us.

Fill us with your Living Water
that will transform our spirits and souls
into springs that burst forth
with life and love
for your people, for ourselves, and for our world.

~ written by Rev. Karla and posted on RevGalBlogPals.