Prayer: Luke 16: 19-31

A prayer from Christine Jerrett, inspired by the parable of the rich man and Lazarus in Luke 16:19-31.(See the link to her blog below.)

Christine writes: “I have read the story as a story about God who saves us by a crucified Saviour — and who, surprisingly, saves us in and through our suffering.”

Prayer: Peculiar Salvation

God of resurrection power,
You have called us to be your people,
a community living by faith in you,
and obedience to you.

we tend towards trusting in our power,
in our ability to control the future.

You summon us into a world
where the poor are held in high regard,
and those who suffer are blessed,
and those who mourn are honoured
for the truth they tell.

You persist in offering us gifts
that come poorly wrapped,
in events and circumstances
that we do not welcome.
It is hard for us to trust you
and your strange way of saving us.

Yet, you do not abandon us
to our confusion
or our doubts
or our stubborn pride.

Here, in the time of worship,
open our eyes and ears
to the presence your Son
whose suffering and death
has redeemed us,
and to your Spirit,
whose work in our spirits
helps us to turn again and again
toward you
and the life you offer
in the midst of our suffering and discouragement.

Turn us toward hope,
for even death could not stop you
from bringing us life.
We pray in Christ Jesus, our crucified yet risen Saviour. Amen.

~ posted on Christine Jerrett.