Prayer: You are making all things new

Here’s a prayer litany from the Weekly Worship page of the Christian Aid website. It was inspired by passages like Isaiah 43, Revelation 21:5 and others.

Prayer Litany
(inspired by Isaiah 43:18-19; 65:17, Revelation 21:5, Romans 12:2)

You are making all things new.
A new heaven 
A new earth 
A new way of thinking 
A new way of being. 

You are making all things new.
No more Death 
No more mourning 
No more crying 
No more pain. 
You are making all things new.
Renew our minds 
to renew the world 
by living out your 
commandment of love. 

You are making all things new.

~ originally posted on the Monthly Prayers page (now Weekly Worship) of the Christian Aid website.