Ascension: Prayer of Confession

Here’s a prayer of confession and words of assurance for Ascension Day or the Sunday following. They were written by Rev. Mindi and posted on the Rev-o-lution blog.

Prayer of Confession for Ascension

(inspired by Acts 1:9-11)

Almighty God,
we confess that we have our eyes set in the clouds
instead of on the earth You have given us.

We desire heavenly treasure
but we keep believing that worldly means will help us attain it.

Forgive us for our short sightedness.
Draw us away from the temptations
to seek worldly power and measures of success,
and call us to the down-to-earth message of Your love,
to care for the needs of those around us,
especially the oppressed and marginalized.

You have called us through scripture
to care for the widows and orphans among us;
help us to see all those who are left out by society and are in need.
Help us to break down the dividing walls that we have placed,
so that we may truly be one,
as You and Christ are one.
For it is in Christ’s name we pray. Amen.

Words of Blessing/Assurance

We were made by God, brought forth from the earth,
the earth that was called good when God created it.
Your very being is good.
You are blessed, earth-born,
and called forth to care for the earth and all who dwell in it.
Go, know that you are forgiven and loved
by the God who made the earth, and made you,
and share the Good News. Amen.

~ written by Rev. Mindi and posted on Rev-o-lution.