Prayer of Confession: 1 Peter 2

Here’s a prayer of approach and confession inspired by 1 Peter 2:1-10.  It was written by Rev Carol Ford, and posted on the Church of Scotland’s Starters for Sunday website.

Prayer of Approach and Confession
(inspired by 1 Peter 2:1-10)

Parent God, Deliverer of our daily bread
we, Your children, come before You
hungry and thirsty for the spiritual nourishment
that only You can provide.
For we have tasted that You are good
and we cannot live without Your goodness.

God in Christ,
Cornerstone of our fellowship and faith,
we Your living stones
come to be built up together
as Your house,
to Your design.
For we are ready to be chiselled and polished
until we are fit for Your present purpose for us.

Forgive us, Gracious God,
if we are feeding ourselves on the junk food of idols
stuffing full with excessive meals,
our fridges and freezers
with much that will go to waste,
and our homes
with space and possessions
that we do not truly need.

And if we are those of Your children, Lord,
who are at this moment
having a hard time making ends meet
then show us where and who to ask,
where to seek
and the doors upon which we should knock.
Reveal to us who in our faith family
we might approach for sharing or help.

Living God,
if we have lost the life in us
and become as dry, lustre-lacking, dead stones,
then forgive us.
Refresh us with water and Spirit
that we may emerge gleaming with Your presence
and filled again with a passion for the Gospel.

Compassionate God,
in the quietness now, we make our personal prayers to you:
our confessions of wrongdoing,
our needs for healing
and our offloading of anything that troubles or burdens us.
Through the silence Lord, hear our prayers.


God whose Spirit interprets our deepest longings
we praise You
for Your never-ending and limitless love and mercy.
Now we are ready to feast upon Your Word to us today.
In Jesus’ Name we pray. (or into Lord’s Prayer) Amen.

~ written by Rev Carol Ford, and posted on the Church of Scotland’s Starters for Sunday website.