Here’s a prayer of praise and
petition inspired by the suggested scripture readings for Easter 5, Year A. It
was written by Thomas Turner, and posted on everyday
“But you are a chosen race…
in order that you may proclaim the mighty
acts of him
who called you out of darkness into marvelous
light.” 1 Peter 2:9
God who has called
his people to repentance,
who has set the world on a course
toward the coming kingdom,
who has appointed his Son
as Savior and King—
his people to repentance,
who has set the world on a course
toward the coming kingdom,
who has appointed his Son
as Savior and King—
you alone are worthy
to raise the dead to life
and forgive sin and evil deeds.
to raise the dead to life
and forgive sin and evil deeds.
May we proclaim the good news
of your lordship to the heavens,
to the hills, the valleys, the plains,
and to the depths of the sea. Amen.
of your lordship to the heavens,
to the hills, the valleys, the plains,
and to the depths of the sea. Amen.
~ written by Thomas Turner, and
posted on everdayliturgy.