Pastoral Prayer: Mother's Day

Here is a prayer of intercession and thanksgiving for Mother’s Day. It comes from the Life in Liturgy website.

Mother’s Day Prayer

Loving God, it is you who gave life and breath to everyone in our world, and in you alone can we find life, breath and meaning for ourselves and our world.

For those who have been blessed with an awareness of your mothering care, who have looked to you for guidance and nurture, we give you thanks, and we pray that you would unite us within your family to be a nurturing influence on others, that they too may enjoy life within your family.

For those who hunger and thirst, who are lost and alone, who yearn to be given new direction, new hope and new life, we pray that you would care for them through us. Let us be seen and known as your faithful children in this community of faith to which you have given birth. Help us to uphold your name by acting, as Jesus our brother, in faithfulness and trust in you.

Gather us, Lord, as we lift to you the special needs we bring to this day, in silence.

Under the shadow of your wings we find our refuge. In your gentle care we find our home. And in your living Spirit we are united this day, Lord, as we offer to you our prayers in the name of your holy Child, Jesus, the Christ.

~ posted on Life in Liturgy, from the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).