A Prayer for Mothers Day

Here’s a prayer of thanksgiving for mothers on Mother’s Day. It was written by Claire Schoepp.

Mother’s Day Prayer

Lord, we remember the mothers
who have gone before us.
For their love, sacrifice, struggle and joy,
we thank you.

Lord, we remember the mothers of Scripture
who are part of our story
as we are a part of your story.
For their courage, faith, love and fierceness,
we thank you.

Lord, we remember those who have not given birth to us,
but are mothers to us.
For their gift of themselves that they have given,
we thank you.

For the women who struggle with fertility,
for those women whom society labels as less in their childlessness,
for those women who have lost children;
for their tears, for their strength,
for their wisdom, for their lives,
we thank you.

~ written by Claire Schoepp