Reflection: After the Palm Sunday Parade

Here’s a reflection for Palm Sunday from Roddy Hamilton.

Palm Sunday Reflection:
He has left….

he has left

it was just a short moment he was here
a glimpse only
of the messiah
a shadow of what we had expected

he has left

and the few palm branches
an discarded sandal
is all that's left
of the messianic parade

he has left

and there is only disappointment to fill the space
for nothing happened
heaven didn't open
angelic armies didn't descend
the kingdom of God did not arrive

he has left

and all hope with him
the crowd thought their moment had come
but it hadn't
they'll turn on him
for he led them on
with nowhere to go

he has left

and for his own safety
and that of his disciples
that is no bad thing

~ written by Roddy Hamilton, and posted on Mucky Paws.