Pastoral Prayer: Palm Sunday

Here’s a pastoral prayer for Palm Sunday from the RevGalBlogPals website. It was inspired by a prayer by Annabel Shilson-Thomas in the United Kingdom.

Palm Sunday Prayer

Jesus, you set your face towards Jerusalem
and walked alongside those who suffer.
Be our vision,
that we too may walk the way of compassion
and extend a hand to those we meet.

Lord, hear our prayer,
and in your love, answer.

Lord, you stopped to heal the sick
and tend to those broken in body, mind or spirit.
Be our vision,
that we too may be a source of healing to all in need of your grace.

Lord, hear our prayer,
and in your love, answer.

Jesus, you said,
“The first shall be last and the last first.”
Be our vision,
that we too may work towards your realm –
when the marginalized and oppressed will be raised up
and know that they are indeed beloved children of the Holy.

Lord, hear our prayer,
and in your love, answer.

Jesus, you took the time to pray and to be silent.
Be our vision,
that through our prayers, meditation and reflection
we may draw closer to you and find our way on this journey of faith.

Lord, hear our prayer,
and in your love, answer.

Lord, you entered Jerusalem with peace in your heart.
Be our vision,
that we too can live as people of peace
in the face of the world’s many conflicts.
May we hold your vision of justice and peace ever before us.

Lord, hear our prayer,
and in your love, answer.

Bless us, O Blessed One,
as we enter into the days ahead of us.
We will need your power and presence to sustain us
as we move through these difficult days together.
Spirit of Love and Life, stay close.

These and all the prayers of our hearts we offer in faith,
 as we pray the way you taught us to pray:
Our Father, which art in heaven….

~ adapted liberally from a prayer written by Annabel Shilson-Thomas (UK). Posted on RevGalBlogPals.