Invitation: Bread and Wine of Remembrance

Here is an invitation to the Lord’s Table from Richard Bott. It was posted on the Liturgy Alive website.

The Bread and Wine of Remembrance

When the time was right,
God sent Jesus to be among us.

Born into this life,
seeing Your grace revealed in all things,
he laughed with those who laughed,
and mourned with those who mourned.

Through Your love, he healed the sick,
he welcomed the outcast,
he challenged those in power,
and the structures that kept them there.

And he called us back to Your love.

In the power of the Holy Spirit,
the Christ laughs and cries,
heals and welcomes,
challenges and loves,
again and again and again.

We have been told that,
on the night before he was taken
to be tortured to death on a cross,
Jesus sat with his disciples,
and ate with them, in a meal of remembrance.

Jesus took a loaf of bread,
asked Your blessing upon it, broke it,
and gave it to his disciples saying:

“Take this – all of you – and eat it.
This is me. My Body. Given for you.
Each time you eat it, remember me.”

Close to the meal’s end,
he took a cup filled with wine,
asked Your blessing upon it,
and gave it to his disciples saying:

Take this – all of you – and drink it.
This is me. This is my promise in my life’s blood -
poured out for you and for the world.”

Each time you drink it, remember me.
So we, his disciples,
eat bread and drink wine – and remember.

~ from Richard Bott’s “Communion Liturgy for Advent.” Posted on the Liturgy Alive website.