Here is a prayer of
confession and words of assurance from Rev. Mindi’s Rev-o-lution website. They were inspired by the scripture readings
for Epiphany 7A.
Prayer of Brokenness/Confession
Holy God,
we confess that we do not
always love our neighbor.
We confess that we have
despised others,
even to the point of hatred.
We confess that we have been
hurt by others.
We confess that forgiveness
and reconciliation at times
are just impossible for us.
We know that nothing is
impossible in You.
We come to You, seeking
healing and wholeness for us.
Help us, whenever possible,
to live in peace with others,
to seek reconciliation and
healing and forgiveness.
For Your Son came and lived
among us,
was betrayed and denied,
abused and put to death.
He rose again,
and came with the message of
peace to those
who had denied him and
abandoned him.
May we walk in his ways.
Blessing/Assurance of Pardon
(inspired by Matthew 19:26, Psalm 139, Romans 8:31-39)
(inspired by Matthew 19:26, Psalm 139, Romans 8:31-39)
For nothing is impossible
with God.
There is no place you can go,
no end of the earth you can
where God cannot find you.
There is nothing on earth or
beyond death
that can separate you from
the love of God
in Christ Jesus our Lord.
You are forgiven.
You are loved.
You are reconciled to God.
Go and live with the love of
God. Amen.
~ written by Rev. Mindi, and
posted on Rev-o-lution.