Call to Worship, Opening Prayer: Psalm 119

Here’s a call to worship and opening invocation inspired by Psalm 119 and other suggested scripture readings for Proper 26 C.  It comes from the Worship Ways page of the United Church of Christ website.

Call to Worship
(inspired by Psalm 119)

O God, you are righteous
Transform us by your Word!
Your judgments are upright
Transform us by your Word!
Your precepts are unforgettable
Transform us by your Word!
Give us understanding and we will live
Re-form us, reconcile us,
Transform us by your Word!

Prayer of Invocation

O Still Speaking God,
throughout history and the wide world
you have gathered people around your Word
to instruct and inspire. 
We give thanks for all
who have received your vision
and shaped diverse and faithful communities
to follow in your Way.

Continue to open that vision to us,
that we may become transformed
by the renewing of your Word in our hearts.
Enable us to grow in love and understanding for each other .
Create in us, O God, clean hearts and minds;
Let us join with you in your suffering and your triumph.         
We desire to be your children and
we claim these blessings in your name.  Amen.

~ from Reformation and Reconciliation, written by LT Leticia Rouser. Posted on the Worship Ways page of the United Church of Christ website.