Christmas Eve: Cusp of Midnight

Roddy Hamilton wrote these “words to take us into Christmas Day.”  He suggests that you could conclude with the singing of “Silent Night.”

Cusp of Midnight

What Mary wants now
God says soon

What Joseph needs now
God says not long

What the peacemakers seek now
God says hold your breath a little longer

What the hungry long for now
God says hush but a moment

What the poor yearn for now
God says, wait a little more

What the lonely hunger for now
God says shortly

What the forgotten thirst for now
God says presently

What the world aches for now
God says soon and very soon

Time is moving towards incarnation
justice is slipping into skin
peace is labouring
truth is taking human shape
this night
this hour
this moment

~ written by Roddy Hamilton, and posted on Listening to the Stones.