Affirmation for World Food Day (October 16)

Here’s a congregational affirmation for World Food Day (October 16). It is part of a longer worship service I put together for the Canadian Foodgrains Bank. (See below for link. )

We dare to dream

We dare to dream of a world
in which hunger is unknown:
where scarcity is an illusion,
and everyone has a place at the table.

We dare to dream of a world
in which generosity is the norm:
where greed finds no foothold,
and there is more than enough for all.

We dare to dream of a world
in which love rules:
where compassion is the first response,
and there is no place for bigotry.

We dare to dream.
We dare to pray.
We dare to believe.

~ from Hunger for Justice: World Food Day 2016, posted on the Canadian Foodgrains Bank website.