Prayer of Confession: Psalm 82

Here’s a prayer of confession inspired by Psalm 82. It was written by Henrietta Stith Andrews, and posted on the Worship Ways website.

(inspired by Psalm 82)

O God of all good gifts 
How generous are your provisions for us!
Even before we are aware of our needs,
you know what it is that we need.
You invite us into community and
provide for us out of your steadfast love:
nourishment for our bodies,
protection from the elements and safety. 
You ask in return
that we respond to your love
by working for justice: nourishment and protection for all.
You expect that we will seek righteousness as a way of life.

But so often O God, we fail to live
being mindful of others
in a caring, just and righteous way.
When your love and justice do not flow through our lives,
our community withers, and so do we.
Forgive us, O God! 
In your loving care,
show us again the way to participate in your realm.

Words of Assurance

My friends, be assured that God hears our petitions!
God continues to expect of us a life in which justice prevails.    
This is God’s desire for us.
We, God’s forgiven people, are free to live into that desire.
God loves us still.  Amen.

~ written by Henrietta Stith Andrews, and posted on the Worship Ways website.