Prayer of Confession: 1 Kings 19

Here’s a prayer of confession inspired by 1 Kings 19, where Elijah meets God at Mount Sinai.

Prayer of Confession

We come seeking God in mighty earthquakes.
We come listening for God in resounding thunder.
We come expecting God in sweeping victories.
Yet God is found in a baby's touch.
Yet God speaks in silence.
Yet God is found in the least of these.
Save us, O God, from our aimless wandering.
Save us, O God, from our idols.
Save us, O God, from our self-induced chaos.
God, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.

Assurance of Pardon

Hear the good news of God's love for us;
not in the earthquake, not in the storms, not in the mighty deeds
but in the silence, in the gentle touch, in the quiet rain
God says,
"You are my Beloved. I love you."

~ written by Katherine Hawker (1995), and posted on Liturgies Outside.