Prayer: Fruit of the Spirit

Here’s a prayer of petition inspired by Galatians 5:22-23. It comes from the Spread Jesus website.

(inspired by Galatians 5: 22-23)

O Bounteous Spirit,
I ask you to bring forth in my life your fruits:

the fruit of love,
so I may love you above all things and all others for your sake;

the fruit of joy,
that I may find my delight in your service;

the fruit of peace,
that I may be pardoned through your mercy and may rest in your love;

the fruit of longsuffering
so that I may bear, with patience, all afflictions;

the fruit of gentleness,
that I may subdue all anger and take calmly and sweetly
all trials and provocations;

the fruit of meekness,
that I may forgive freely all who have hurt me
and endure with patience all burdens that are laid upon me;

the fruit of temperance
that I may restrain all my desires
and bring them into the subjection of your holy will. Amen.