Confession: Responding to God's Call

Here’s a prayer of confession from the Community of Christ website.

Prayer of Confession

O Lord,
forgive us when we fail to respond to your call with faith.
Through your Spirit
we stand in the assurance of your acceptance.
Forgive us when we are shackled
by our narrow understandings of discipleship
and our clouded sense of purpose.
Through your Spirit
we are drawn into the illumination of your empowering love.
Forgive us when we are frightened of the future
or pull back from the demand of your calling.
Forgive us when we fail to sense your presence in our past,
to acknowledge your grace in the present moment,
and to trust you for our future.
Through your Spirit we offer ourselves in discipleship.
We stand together as your disciples.
We seek renewed and renewing faith.
Touch us now with your Spirit, Lord.
Touch us now with your Spirit.

~ from Prayers and Readings for Worship, Volume 2, Peter Judd, ed. (Herald Publishing House, 1996, ISBN 9780830907199), 22. Posted on the Community of Christ website.