Prayers of the People: After Christmas

Here’s a prayer of intercession for the Sunday between Christmas and New Year’s Day.  It comes from the World in Prayer ministry.

Prayer of Intercession

Pause, my children, in this space
between Christmas parties, and those of the New Year,
between gift unwrapping and cleaning up,
between longing and thanksgiving,
between endings and beginnings,
between dismay and joy,
between Sacred and ordinary…

Pause and remember
Whose you are, and Whose you will always be.

Pause and remember
in Whose name you pray,
and Whose love you seek, and hold, and give away.

Pause and pray
that all may see the world with the eyes of wonder of the newborn Christ,
with the loving heart of God’s act of self-giving.

Pause and pray
that we may all treat one another
with the honor and adoration Mary and Joseph,
shepherds and wise ones,
angels and all the heavenly choir
showed to the tiny child.

In the name of Christ, we pray
for every person, living now, gone before, or yet to come,
in every nation on earth:

(prayers may be offered)

In the name of Christ we pray. Amen.

~ from World in Prayer, a ministry of the Episcopal Church of St. John the Baptist in Lodi, California, USA.