Here’s a
readers’ theatre setting of Luke 3: 7-18, the gospel reading for the third
Sunday of Advent (Year C).
Readers’ Theatre: The Ministry of
John the Baptist
Luke 3: 7-18
One: The crowds began to stream out from the
villages and towns
to be baptized by John the Baptist
at the Jordan.
Two: You brood of snakes!
Who warned you to flee God’s coming
Prove by the way you live that you
have repented of your sins
and turned to God.
Don’t just say to each other,
‘We’re safe, for we are descendants
of Abraham.’
That means nothing, for I tell you,
God can create children of Abraham
from these very stones.
Even now the ax of God’s judgment is
ready to sever the roots of the
Yes, every tree that does not
produce good fruit
will be chopped down and thrown into
the fire.
One: The crowds asked, “What should we do?”
Two: The person who has two shirts must share
with the person who has none.
And the person with food must share
with the one in need.
One: Some tax collectors were among those in the
crowd seeking baptism.
They asked John,
“Teacher, what should we do?”
Two: Stop overcharging people.
Only collect what you must turn over
to the Romans.
One: “What about us?” some soldiers asked.
“What should we do?”
Two: Don’t extort money from people, or make
false accusations.
And be content with your pay.
One: John’s bold message captured public
and many began wondering if John
himself might be the promised Messiah.
John answered them, saying:
Two: I baptize you with water;
but someone is coming soon who is
greater than I am—
so much greater that I’m not even
worthy to be his slave
and untie the straps of his sandals.
He will baptize you with the Holy
Spirit and with fire.
He is ready to separate the chaff
from the wheat with his winnowing fork.
Then he will clean up the threshing
gathering the wheat into his barn
but burning the chaff with never-ending fire.
One: John preached with many other provocative
figures of speech
and so conveyed God’s message to the
the time had come to rethink
~ Luke 3:
7-19, with credit to both the New Living Translation and The