Prayer of Thanksgiving: Luke 1: 68-79

Here’s a prayer of thanksgiving inspired by Zechariah’s song in Luke 1:68-79 (just after the birth of John the Baptist).  It was written by Michael Perry in Bible Praying, and is available on the Jubilate website.

Prayer of Thanksgiving
(inspired by Luke 1:68-79)

We bless you, our Lord God,
that you have come
and have redeemed your people,
raising up for us a strong saviour
   from the family of your servant David,
      as you promised through your prophets long ago.

You have rescued us from the grip of our enemy;
you have enabled us to serve you without fear,
   in holiness and righteousness before you
      all our days.

we thank you that you have given to us, your people,
   the knowledge of salvation
      through the forgiveness of our sins;
and that by your tender mercy
the Sun has risen into heaven
to shine on all who live in darkness
   and in the shadow of death,
and to guide our feet into the way of peace.  Amen.

~ written by Michael Perry.  Posted on the Jubilate website.