Christmas Intercessions

Here’s a prayer of intercession for the world at Christmas from Reverend Roddy Hamilton.

Prayers of the People for Christmas

When will Christmas arrive in Afghanistan, O Saviour?
When will Darfur live in peace?
Will Palestinian and Israeli ever share justice?
When will Washington and Westminster and Brussels
proclaim no more hunger, no more war?
When will governments turn their weapons to ploughshares
and multinationals their profits to pruning hooks
When will Christmas arrive?

So we pray for the world

O newborn Saviour
this early morning
in the wake of your birth
when there is still time to believe
that because you are with us
the world can change
So in our ‘Merry Christmas’s today
may we make peace
in our ‘Seasons Greetings’
may we share a welcome
in our ‘Joyeux Noel’
may we sow seeds of justice
And may we believe
not in some magic
but in a vision
that isn’t a dream
but a way of life
not for someone else
but for us this morning
now you are born.
So be it

~ written by Reverend Roddy Hamilton and posted on the Church of Scotland’s Starters for Sunday website.