Prayers of the People: Resting Place

Here’s a prayer of intercession written by John Maynard.

Prayer of Intercession
Eternal God, You have been our resting-place through the ages. 
Generations come and pass away, but You abide forever. 
We praise you for Your presence among us. 
You bring us comfort amid our trials,
clarity where confusion persists,
peace in the midst of conflict,
and hope of eternal life. 
Hear us now as we pray for Your Church and the needs of the world,
for You are the God of our lives. 
Lord, hear our prayer…and in Your love, answer.

We pray for the Church of Jesus Christ;
that, begun, maintained and promoted by the Holy Spirit,
it may be true, engaging, glad, and active, doing your will. 
Let Your church be always faithful, O God,
and ready to promote the cause of compassionate love and peace.
Lord, hear our prayer…and in Your love, answer.

We pray for all who govern and hold authority in the nations of the word.  
We pray that everywhere upon this earth there may be justice and peace.
Lord, hear our prayer…and in Your love, answer.

We pray especially today for the well being of people
in parts of the world affected by drought and famine. 
We continue to pray for peace in the Middle East.
Lord, hear our prayer…and in Your love, answer.

Lord, we pray for all people in their daily life and work—
for our families, friends, and neighbours, and for those who are alone. 
We name before you individuals and families
experiencing personal hardship or facing and uncertain future,
those who are separated from loved ones,
those who grieve this today,
and those who are sick in hospital or ill at home.
Hear us Lord as we now lift up those people and those situations
you have placed upon our hearts...  (bidding prayer)....

Lord, hear our prayer…and in Your love, answer.

Lord in Your love, hear all our prayers—both the spoken and unsaid. 
May our prayers further Your purposes for us all,
and bring us to that place where we may experience the joy
that has been given to your faithful down through the ages—
a joy everlasting.  Amen.

~ written by John Maynard, and posted on the Kir-shalom website.