Centering Prayer: In the Stillness

Here’s a centering prayer written by Rob.

Prayer of Adoration

In the stillness,
in the silence,
we attend to your presence, our God.

And we feel you filling us from within
illuminating our minds
warming our hearts
stirring our spirits
strengthening our hands outstretched
transforming our lives
energising our lives

Until every fibre of our being
is filled with your presence
and we leap up crying,

Blessed are you, God of all life!
Blessed are you who rejoices in our worship
Blessed are you who attends to the cry of the poor
Blessed are you who offers hope in the hard times

Blessed are you, our God
whose name is love
whose presence is light
whose heart is justice
whose gift is grace
whose life is hope

Let our whole being resonate in praise to you
Let every aspect of our lives show that we live for you.
Praise be to you, our God,
for ever and ever. Amen.

— written by Rob, on the Rob’s Prayers page of the Uniting Church SA website.