Prayer: Channels of Your Peace

Here’s a prayer of confession and commitment from the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas.

Peace Prayer

Loving God, you inspire us with love for all persons
and concern for the well-being of all creation.

Give us today the strength and courage
to transform the compassion of our hearts
into acts of peace, mercy, and justice.

Forgive us for the arrogance that leads to moral blindness,
for desires for vengeance and retaliation,
and for willingness to sacrifice others for our own security and avarice.

Help us to renounce all forms of violence:
prejudice, unfair allegations, intolerance, and injury.

Give us the courage to resist threatening postures,
calls to arms, mobilization of troops and weapons, and
all actions that threaten the lives and livelihoods of innocent people.

Empower us to live out the caring presence
of the merciful and generous persons we claim to be.

Make us channels of your peace, bearers of healing,
women and men who hear and respond with alacrity
to pleas for justice in our world.

We ask all this in the name of Jesus
who came among us to show us the way.

— from the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas. Posted on the Center of Concern website.