Litany: Not in my name

Here’s a prayer from Jonny Baker’s Worship Tricks website.  It was written for a communion service at Greenbelt 2003 (UK).

Not in my name

Not in my name
Will we fight terror with terror
Not in my name
Will we exploit the resources of those who are poorer
Not in my name
Will the bodies of the innocent be broken for the evils of a few
Not in my name
Will we deny life to those for whom life is a struggle
Not in my name
Will the name of god be used as an excuse for our own self interest
Not in my name
Will we be blinkered by our flawed sense of justice
Not in my name
Will the bread of life be robbed from the mouths of the worlds hungriest
Not in my name
Will we find salvation in the defeat of our enemies
Not in my name
Will our government wipe out innocent families
Not in my name
Will we reap reward from terrorism and invasion
Not in my name
Will the west get rich through the debts of the poor

We thank christ for his body broken and blood shed.
We acknowledge his sacrifice for the salvation and redemption of the world.
We acknowledge innocent blood shed and bodies broken
to be enemies of gods kingdom and a sin against creation.
We acknowlege love, truth, grace, justice, righteousness, mercy and humility
to be signatures of gods rule.
May god bless us as we seek to send a clear message to those in authority...
Not in my name!

~ from Jonny Baker’s Worship Tricks website.