Prayer at the Table: Lent

Here’s a thoughtful Lord’s Supper prayer for Lent written by Bruce Prewer, and posted on Bruce Prewer’s Homepage – a wonderful collection of lectionary-based resources.

Prayer at the Table: Lent

The Lord be with you.
and also with you.
Lift up your hearts!
We lift them up to God!
Let us give thanks to our loving God.
It is our joy and privilege to do so.

We thank and praise you, loving and glorious God,
bountiful in creation and prodigious in redemption.

We praise you for the Christ from Nazareth
who heals the sick, befriends the misfits,
forgives the sinner and wakes the dead.
Our thanks and praise are yours, most wonderful God.

Particularly in this holy season of Lent
we thank you for Christ’s tough love:
for his conquest of beguiling temptations,
for his resolute final journey to Jerusalem,
for his zeal for your house of prayer,
for his faithfulness under betrayal, trial and abuse,
and for his love willingly poured out on the cross.
Our thanks and praise are yours, most wonderful God.

We give thanks for you undying care of him,
for his risen presence face to face with women and men
who became his witnesses to the end of the world.
Today even we have become numbered among those millions
who have been granted the gift of faith
and have received from his lips the Spirit of peace.
Our thanks and praise are yours, most wonderful God.

Therefore with angels and archangels.......

— written by Bruce Prewer, and posted on Bruce Prewer’s Homepage.

For more resources for Lent, click on Lent in the list of “Labels” at the lower right side of the page.