Here’s an opening prayer based on Psalm 145:1-8, one of the alternate scripture texts for September 18, 2011 (Proper 20A). Feel free to adapt it as you see fit.
Prayer of Invocation
(based on Psalm 145: 1-8)
Sovereign Lord,
who is there like You in heaven or on the earth?
There is no one that even comes close.
You alone are worthy of our praise.
And so we have come to worship You—
to praise Your name,
to proclaim Your power and glory,
to re-tell the stories of Your goodness,
to sing of Your righteousness,
to remember Your mercy and compassionate love—
to once again affirm that You are our God,
and that we are Your people.
Through the power of Your Holy Spirit
and the intercession of our Lord Jesus Christ,
open our eyes to Your presence among us.
Open our hearts and minds to hear Your voice,
to recognize Your call,
and to faithfully follow where You lead.
To You alone, Sovereign Lord,
belongs all glory and honour and praise,
now and to the end of time. Amen.