Prayer: Believing without Seeing

We find ourselves in the locked doors of ourselves
just as the disciples were behind closed doors.

We too are afraid,
perhaps for a different reason than theirs.
But we too need the breath of the Holy Spirit
to take away our fears
so that we can come out from behind these locked doors.

Lord, we are like Thomas with our questions and our doubts.
We sometimes need to see in order to believe,
we need you in order to have faith.

Lord, we too need the peace you bring
because our world is fraught with violence, and unrest.

Lord, just as Thomas confessed you are his Lord and his God,
we boldly claim for our lives.

Lord we thank you for the blessing you have given us,
the ones who believe without seeing.

Lord, may the doors of our churches be open to all
and that doubters be welcomed here.

—Rev Abi Carlisle-wilke at her blog, Long and Winding Road. 

For more worship resources for the Sunday after Easter, click on "Easter 2" in the list of "Links" to the right.