Prayer for Parents and those who want to be

Here’s a prayer about parenthood from Ashley-Anne Masters.  It was posted on Fidelia’s Sisters.


For those who got pregnant right away and those who have been trying for years…

For those who entrust their babies to the care of another family…

For those who cannot wait to welcome a baby into their home and those who are terrified they are not fit to be parents…

For those whose child will get a soccer scholarship and those whose child will never run…

For those who proudly pose for pregnant photos and those who shamefully hide their bellies…

For those who are proud to be fathers and those who hope the DNA tests are incorrect…

For those who pay child support and those who need child support…

For those who fight with teenage daughters and those whose daughters have run away…

For those who cannot pay for college and those who cannot pay for medical care…

For those who home school and those who fear their children won’t make it home from school…

For those who think their son is the best surprise of their life…

For those whose children are in prison and those whose children want to be corrections officers…

For those whose baby doesn’t live outside of the womb and those whose wombs are empty…

For those taking hormones and those who feel exhausted from hormone changes…

For those grieving what will never be and those amazed by what life has become…

For those who are single parents and those who are now step parents…

For those who have an empty nest and for those whose nest was never full…

For the couple who is closer than ever and the couple getting divorced…

For all of your children of all ages, hold them close and give them life…Amen.

~ written by Ashley-Anne Masters, and posted on Fidelia’s Sisters. Note: Permission is granted by the author to use this prayer in written or spoken form as long as “Written by Rev. Ashley-Anne Masters” appears somewhere in the order of service or bulletin.