Prayer of Thanksgiving: 1 Peter 1

Here’s a prayer of thanksgiving from The Jubilate Group.  It was written by Michael Perry, based on 1 Peter 1.

Giving Thanks to God
(based on 1 Peter 1)

Praise be to you, God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!

For your great mercy in giving us birth into a new life and a new hope
by raising Jesus Christ from death:
praise be to you, our God and Father!

For an inheritance that can never spoil or fade, kept for us in heaven:
praise be to you, our God and Father!

For the protection of your power, ours through faith,
until salvation comes at the end of time:
praise be to you, our God and Father!

Father, to you be all praise, glory and honour
through Jesus Christ, your Son, our Lord. Amen.

— written by Michael Perry, and posted on The Jubilate Group website.  Be sure to visit there for many other excellent worship resources (spoken and sung).  Usage of all Jubilate materials needs to be reported on your CCLI license.  

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