Easter Call to Worship: Wonderful

Here’s a call to worship for Easter Sunday morning.  It comes from the http://pilgrimwr.unitingchurch.org.au/ website.

Call to Worship for Easter

Wonderful the fingers that anointed blind eyes,
the hands that gently touched lepers,
the arms that embraced little children.

Wonderful the smile that welcomed outcastes,
the frown that rebuked the arrogant,
the tongue that told parables of grace.

Wonderful the courage that led to Jerusalem,
the faith that agonised in Gethsemane,
the love that suffered at Golgotha.

Wonderful the lips that gave the Easter greeting,
the mercy which restored ashamed disciples,
the joy with which He filled them all.

Wonderful is the Saviour who has brought us here today,
filled with wonder, love and praise.

— from Easter 3A worship elements, posted on the http://pilgrimwr.unitingchurch.org.au/ website.

For more worship resources for Easter, click on Easter in the list of “Labels” at the lower right side of the page.