Prayer of Invocation for Lent

Here’s an opening prayer for Lent, from the Sojourn Music website.

Invocation for Lent
(based on John 4:13-14; 7:37-38)

All-knowing and all-caring God,
we gather this day drained by another week.
We are like a parched desert, empty and in need of replenishment.
Visit us with your presence, saturate us with your Spirit,
and bathe us in your streams of living water,
that our lives might acknowledge and worship you
to the praise and honor of Jesus Christ. Amen!

— from The Worship Sourcebook, posted on the Sojourn Music website.

For more resources for Lent, click on Lent in the list of “Labels” at the lower right side of the page. For more prayer resources, see the Scriptural Prayer Index at the upper right side of the page.