Confession for Ash Wednesday

Here’s a prayer of confession for Ash Wednesday (February 22, 2012). It was written by Lisa Frenz in 2010.

Ash Wednesday Confession

One:     Out of the depths of our fears,
            out of the depths of our darkness,
            we call upon you, O God, to save us.
            Hear us, now.
One:     Christ Jesus, you see our broken lives.
All:       We reach out with greedy hands.
One:     Christ Jesus, you heal our distorted desires.
All:       Grabbing. Gathering. Foraging.
One:     Christ Jesus, you fill our needy souls.
All:       Never filled. Never having enough.
One:     Christ Jesus, you ease our pains and sorrows.
All:       Plundering. Ravaging. Destroying.
One:     Christ Jesus, join us to yourself
            that we may never be greedy again.
All:       Forgive us, O God.
            For we have sinned.

Two:     Merciful God,
One:     I confess that I am broken.
            I have acted in spite,
            hurt others by my words and deeds,
            deliberately done what is wrong.
            Forgive me, O God, for I have sinned.
Two:     Merciful God,
All:       I confess that I am broken.
            I have lived for myself and not for others,
            judged where I should forgive,
            belittled where I should have built up.
            O Lord, I have not done justice
            or walked humbly with you.
            Forgive me, O God, for I have sinned.
One:     Christ Jesus, complete us with yourself
            that we may live from your abundance:
All:       Building. Caring. Creating.
            Giving. Receiving. Sharing.
One:     God so loved this world and this people
            that God sent Christ to suffer and die for all.
            Accept now that gift.
            Know that you are forgiven, reconciled,
            accepted, and loved.
All:       Amen.

— from Ash Wednesday Meditation written by Lisa Frenz for the Mt. Carmel Evangelical Lutheran Church in Portland, Oregon.  Posted on  Lisa’s LiturgiesIf used, please include this note: “Copyright © 2010 Lisa Frenz. All Rights Reserved. Used with permission."

Note:  Lisa Frenz has prepared a number of other Ash Wednesday Liturgies.  You can find them on her site, Lisa’s Liturgies