Confession: Isaiah 40

Here’s an act of confession based on Isaiah 40:1-11, one of the texts for the second Sunday of Advent, Year B.

Prayer of Confession

God of tenderness and love,
breathe your grace into our lives.
Forgive our wandering ways,
and guide us along your paths of peace.
When we lose our way,
and forget the reason and purpose of this season,
carry us back to you.
Lead us up to that high mountain of faith and hope,
that we might truly proclaim:
"Here is our God!"
In your holy name, we pray. Amen.

Words of Assurance

"Comfort, O comfort my people," says our God.
You have served your term. Your penalty is paid.
In the name of Jesus Christ, you are forgiven.
In the name of Jesus Christ, you are forgiven!

— posted on the Ministry Matters website.  Visit that site for many other great worship resources.

For more worship resources for the second Sunday of Advent (December 4, 2011), click on Advent 2 in the list of “Labels” at the lower right side of the page, or see this Advent Worship Resources Index.      

For other resources related to confession, click on Confession or words of assurance in the list of “Labels” at the lower right side of the page, or see the Confession & Assurance index at the upper right.