Call to Worship: Proper 27A

Here’s a call to worship based on the scripture texts for Proper 27A (November 6, 2011).  It was written by Bruce Prewer.

Call to Worship
(based on Joshua 24, Psalm 78: 1-7)

Put aside the distractions of this world’s many gods,
stand in awe before God’s love,
prepare to worship in sincerity and faithfulness.
            The Lord Jesus and his God, we will serve,
            and his voice we will trust and obey.
            that generations to come may know their God.

Stand up and celebrate the good news this day
so that others may set their hope in the living God.
            We will not hide our thanks and praise,
            but tell of the glorious deeds of the Lord
            and all the wonders God has done for us.

— written by Bruce Prewer, and posted on Bruce Prewer’s HomepageVisit his site for other wonderful lectionary-based worship resources.