Prayer of Confession: September 18, 2011

Call to Reconciliation
We continue to believe that we must earn our way into God's heart.
But God's grace is given to each of us,
for all of us,
freely, unconditionally, always.
Let us open our lives to this mercy as we pray saying,

Unison Prayer of Confession
It seems we cannot decide, Cloud of Glory.
We say we will live to serve others,
but end up meeting only our needs.
We claim to live in a way that honors Christ,
but we do not take him to work, school, home.
We believe that the gospel can transform lives,
(at least, for those who need it - not us).

Forgive us, Presence of Peace.
Instead of grumblers,
may we be ambassadors of grace.
Instead of continual complaining,
may we carry compassion to the hurting.
Instead of whiners,
may we be workers with Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior,
to reach out and bring the kingdom of God to everyone we meet.
Silence is kept

Assurance of Pardon

This is the good news:
there is no ranking in God's kingdom.
God graces everyone with the same gifts:
mercy, restoration, new life.
God has kept the covenant.
We have been forgiven,
we have been made new people.
Thanks be to God. Amen.

— Thom Shuman, from Lectionary Liturgies. Check his site for many other excellent worship resources.

For more worship resources related to the texts for September 18, 2011 (the fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost), click on Proper 20A in the list of “Labels” at the lower right side of the page.

For other resources related to confession, click on Confession or words of assurance in the list of “Labels” at the lower right side of the page, or see this Confession & Assurance index.