Act of Confession: Proper 9A

Here is an act of confession which uses three of the suggested lectionary texts for the third Sunday after Pentecost (July 3, 2011). Feel free to revise it to suit your needs.

Call to Confession (based on Matthew 11:28)

            Jesus said,
            Come to me, all you who are tired,
            who are worn out from carrying heavy burdens.
            Put down the heavy load that you are carrying,
            and you will find rest for your souls.

Prayer of Confession (based on Romans 7)

            God, we confess that we don’t always understand our own actions. 
            We clearly know what is right—what you expect of us—
            but we don’t always do it.
            We also clearly know what is wrong—
            the thoughts and actions that hurt others and offend you—
            but we do these things anyway.
            Forgive us!
            Through Jesus Christ our Lord,
            set us free from the sin that controls us.

Words of Assurance (based on Psalm 145:8, 14)

            People of God, know this:
            Our God is merciful and compassionate,
            slow to get angry, and filled with unfailing love.
            When we stumble, he is there to catch us;
            when we are weighed down, he is there to lift us up.
            So be at peace: your sins are forgiven.

For other creative worship resources based on these scripture texts, click on Proper 9A in the list of “Labels” at the lower right side of the page. 

For other worship resources for corporate confession, click on Confession and Words of assurance in the list of “Labels” below.