Opening Prayer: Worship in a Time of Isolation

Here’s an opening prayer for a time of isolation from Bryce Wiebe. It was posted in a collection of prayers on the PCUSA website.
Prayer in a Time of Isolation
 The Bible says, “they were all gathered together in one place.”
And we do not know when we will be together next.

Triune God, you exist in eternal relationship.
You are One and yet are three.
In a time of isolation, draw us closer to this mystery.
May it remind us of your truth:
even in physical isolation, we are never truly alone.
Your love links us together, making us a people.
For the Bible also says:
We belong to each other. We belong to you.
Even now. Especially now. Amen.

~ Bryce Wiebe, Director of Special Offerings for PCUSA (edited). Posted on the PCUSA website.