Affirmation of Faith: Matthew

Here’s a simple affirmation of faith inspired by Matthew 25:16-20 and Matthew 9:35-38. It was written by Tim Tate, Lead Pastor at Warrenton United Methodist Church.

(inspired by Matthew 25:16-20, Matthew 9:35-38)

I believe in a God
who created all things
and seeks for all to be in communion as God’s people.

I believe in Jesus Christ
who showed us how to share love,
and who commissioned us to go out into the highways and byways
inviting all to be a part of God’s work in the world.

I believe in the Holy Spirit
who leads and guides us into the world,
then touches the lives of those around us
in ways that make them receptive to love.

I believe in the harvest
and the call for laborers to receive and respond,
sharing light and life with the world.  Amen. 

~ submitted by Tim Tate, Lead Pastor, Warrenton UMC. Posted on