Mother's Day Call to Worship

Here is a responsive call to worship for Mother’s Day. It was written by Rev. Paul Hayes, Pastor at Noank Baptist Church in Noank, CT, and posted on the Baptist Peacemaker website.

Call to Worship for Mother’s Day

We celebrate today our mothers who bore us and cradled us as infants.
We also remember mothers who have lost their children
through illness or violence,
whose tears still flow from their broken hearts.
We cherish our families
who have sheltered us from harm and who provided for our daily needs.
We remember families who are separated
and those exiled from the land of their birth
by frontiers, by barbed wire, and by war’s violence.
We express gratitude to our spiritual mothers and fathers
who guided us throughout life, modeling for us the love of God.
We hold up mothers of diverse religions and creeds
who experience life in disparate ways—
those who are comforted and encouraged by what they believe
and those who struggle to find meaning and hope in their faith.
We pray for those who we love and hold dear to our hearts—
children, youth, young adults, and elders;
And we pray for those we know and do not hold dear,
and those who we do not know and whose suffering we have not embraced.
On this Mother’s Day,
we come to worship the living God, to honor our mothers,
and to find our solace and peace in the goodness that life brings;
Acknowledging the joys and sorrows of life,
we hope to depart this place transformed by Christ’s Spirit
that we may express compassion,
seek justice,
show mercy,
and pursue peace
wherever our lives may lead.