Opening Prayer: John 20: 19-31

Here’s an opening prayer inspired by John 20:19-31, and written in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. It was written by Rev. Dr. Libby Grammer, Senior Pastor at First Baptist Church in Martinsville, VA.

Opening Prayer

(inspired by John 20:19-31)

God, we are in a liminal space,
one where chaos and disorder have confused our lives,
yet one where we also find time to rest and receive your peace.

We sit with the disciples behind our locked doors and wait in fear,
and when you appear,
we are given a spirit of peace only you can give.

Hold us in your grace this morning,
offering us the same hopeful word you offered those frightened disciples
that Easter evening so many years ago.

We pray this all in the name of your son,
our Risen Savior, Jesus Christ,
who taught us all to pray, saying: Our Father…

~ submitted by Rev. Dr. Libby Grammer, Senior Pastor at First Baptist Church in Martinsville, VA.