Easter Call to Worship

Here is an Easter call to worship from Rev. Cambron Wright, pastor of  Faith United Methodist Church in Bowling Green, KY.

Call to Worship for Easter Morning


It was early in the morning. Still dark.
The dawn just starting to cut through the fog.
The air hung heavy with expectation, as if the earth itself were holding its breath.

The echoes of the cross linger. His voice still rings out:
It Is Finished. Into your hands I commit my spirit.

The story comes to us in pieces and fragments, hints and images:

A vineyard garden, grapes ready for the harvest.

A stone, rolled away. The guards asleep at its side.

A pile of clothes, folded in an empty tomb.

Peter and John, running in with disbelief.
Walking out with questions and with hope.

But Mary stays behind. To weep in the garden.
And we weep with her. There is so much loss.
So much grief. So much death.

With her we look up, and through her tears
We see angels, seated in victory on top of the stone.

Do not be afraid, they tell us.
He is not here.
Why do you look for the living among the dead?
He. Is. Not. Here.

From the garden she hears a voice:
Why are you weeping? Whom do you seek?

She still cannot see. The sun is rising.
She is muttering with explanations,
But Mary’s heart starts beating with tremors
Of hope. Whom do you seek?
He is not here.

And like a voice from heaven,
She hears that voice. The voice she is longing for.
The gardener speaks her name: Mary.

Jesus looks at you and Jesus speaks your name.
The world is new as he speaks your name.
You are made new as he speaks your name.

What the angels said was true
And it is true today.

Jesus is alive.
Jesus walks.
His heart beats in victory.
Easter is announced by every breath he takes.
Easter means that love has won.
Death is finished. Satan is doomed.
Evil is conquered. God is good.

Love’s redeeming work is done.
It. Is. Finished. It . Is. Finished.
He is not dead.
He. Is. Alive.

~ submitted by Rev. Cambron Wright, Pastor of  Faith United Methodist Church in Bowling Green, KY.