Epiphany Prayer: Light in the Darkness

Here’s a prayer of thanksgiving and confession for Epiphany. It was written by Cheryl Lawrie, and posted on [hold this space].

Prayer for Epiphany

We thank you God that you know what it is to be human
Fragile and vulnerable,
searching for ways to stay alive in dangerous and complicated times
We thank you that you know the struggles and temptations
of living in darkness.
And we thank you that you give light to the world.

We confess that sometimes it’s easier to stay in the shadows,
where things can stay hidden,
where people can’t see our cracks and flaws.
Cast your light on our darkness
and forgive us, God of love.

We confess that we have at times brought darkness
into the world by our anger, our selfishness, our violence.
Cast your light on our darkness
and forgive us, God of love.

We confess that we are sometimes skeptical of light
and find it easier to trust its absence.
Cast your light on our darkness
and forgive us, God of love.

And in this silence,
bring the confessions that are on your heart and mind
into the light of God’s love


We know in faith that God restores and renews,
and that our sins are forgiven.
Thanks be to God.

~ written by Cheryl Lawrie and posted on [hold this space]. http://holdthisspace.org.au/