Epiphany Prayer: Abiding

Here is an epiphany prayer from Christine Jerrett. It was inspired by John 1:29-42 and 1 Corinthians 1:1-9. It could be a prayer of confession (she follows it with words of assurance), or an opening prayer of invocation. The words of assurance could easily inspire a closing benediction, too. (See the link to Christine’s blog below.)


A Prayer for Epiphany 2, Year A
(inspired by John 1:29-42 and 1 Corinthians 1:1-9)

Holy God,
You are mystery
greater than our minds can comprehend.
And yet,
you have come to us in Jesus
and he invites us to stay with him;
to follow where he leads
so that we may find you
whom our hearts seek.

We come
but we bring with us
our doubts
our questions
our frailties
our inability to love one another well.

We come,
yet drawn by your haunting love.

Immerse us in the waters of your grace.
Pour your Holy Spirit upon us.
Teach us to love one another
with the love of Christ.

For we ask it in the many names of Jesus, our Lord,
the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world,
Son of God,
the One whose love surrounds us all our days. Amen.

Assurance of God’s Grace

In the waters of our baptism,
God bathes us with the Holy Spirit and declares
“You are my beloved child.”
Now we are community,
called to flood our world with the love we have received.

This week, whenever anyone or anything
makes you feel small or insignificant or alone,
remember your baptism
and live into your high and holy calling.
It is the gift of God’s grace for you.

~ posted on Christine Jerrett. https://christinejerrett.wordpress.com/