Father's Day Prayer

Here’s a prayer for fathers originally attributed to the Methodist Church in Africa. It was posted on the Casa Franciscana Outreach website.

Prayer for Fathers

Loving and Merciful God,
our thoughts and prayers today are turned toward our fathers.

For those whose fathers have increased the joy in their families’ lives,
we give You thanks.
For those good men who sustain and support us in our living,
who love us no matter what,
we give You thanks.

For those whose fathers have been a source of hurt and pain,
may their wounds be healed
and may they find in You, in us, in others,
the nurturing love that is needed for their well-being.
We also pray that these fathers find forgiveness.

For those fathers who are separated from their children,
give them the insight and perseverance
to parent in whatever ways are open to them.
Give them the courage to make the decisions
that allow their children to thrive.

For those fathers whose relationships with their children
have been difficult or disappointing, we pray.
We pray, too, for those fathers who have lost a child.
We turn to You, most holy God, for consolation
where consolation seems impossible.
For single fathers who struggle to be both parents to their children,
may they find the strength and wisdom for their task.

For those who have recently lost
or who are facing the imminent loss of their fathers,
may they find comfort in the love
that their fathers have given them. Amen.

~ attributed to the Methodist Church in Africa. Posted by Father Tommy on the Casa Franciscana Outreach website. https://casafranciscanaoutreach.org/fathers-day-prayer/