Call to Worship: Revelation 7:12

Here’s a responsive call to worship inspired by Revelation 7:12. It was written by the Reverend Susan A. Blain of the Faith Formation Ministry staff of the United Church of Christ, and posted on the Worship Ways website (link below).

Call to Worship
(inspired by Revelation 7:12)
We praise Creation’s God:
Blessing and honor, glory and power!
Let each single voice praise God:
Blessing and honor, glory and power!
Let all voices together praise God: 
Blessing and honor, glory and power!
Let the great multitude of nations praise God:
Blessing and honor, glory and power!
With all Creation we praise God:
Blessing and honor, glory and power!

~ written by the Reverend Susan A. Blain and posted on the United Church of Christ’s Worship Ways website.