Here’s a
thoughtful prayer inspired by the events of Acts 1:9-11, the ascension of Jesus
Christ. It comes from the Weekly Worship page
of the Christian Aid website.
Prayer for Ascension
(inspired by Acts 1:9-11)
Lord of
We do not know the face of the future,
We do not know the face of the future,
any more
than your disciples did.
Like them, we have many questions:
how to live
how to bear witness.
Like them, we thirst for the spring waters of the Spirit
to inspire us in our living
to give us a heart language in our testimony.
Like them, we have many questions:
how to live
how to bear witness.
Like them, we thirst for the spring waters of the Spirit
to inspire us in our living
to give us a heart language in our testimony.
You have
been raised in glory
that we
might rise with dignity
You live in power that we might live in peace
You are present everywhere
You live in power that we might live in peace
You are present everywhere
that we
might be fully present in our own lives
This we believe
This we step out on.
This we believe
This we step out on.
originally posted on the Monthly Prayers page (now Weekly
Worship) of the Christian Aid website.